MP3 - Healing Meditation
Working with the energy of the Ascended Masters and the light energies, Antoinette Moltzan (Toni) has created a wonderful guided meditation to assist you physical difficulties. This process is very effective to help in your own healing needs including Arthritis, Chronic disorders, cancer and other issues within your tissues. This process is simple, enjoyable and quite awesome.
We welcome you to share your experiences of working with this tool of light. The process is a guided meditation as an MP3 file that is available for immediate download after purchase. Enjoy.
Antoinette Moltzan
Antoinette (Toni) Moltzan is often referred too as one of the world’s profound Spiritual Mediums of our modern times. Working with Light energy and the spiritual guidance of the Ascended Masters, Antoinette is truly gifted and blessed and is the author of A Course in Light.